May Days

Photo by Nicholas Githiri from Pexels

Photo by Nicholas Githiri from Pexels

All our dreams were washed away

Like the rain that covered the ground that May day

Our hearts were filled with solemn grief

The hopes we had for you would cease

Like rushing water that cleanses the earth

The tears we cried ran down our hearts

Our faces are stroked on many occasions

And when we see a dreary day approaching

We remember when sweet Kuyper left us

A little about the poem

The Monday that I delivered our son Kuyper, stillborn, was a dreary, rainy May day. The night following his delivery, a horrible storm came through town. I fell asleep that night to the sound of rain and hail on the hospital window. In the days and weeks following I found rain a comforting reminder. Not only did it remind me of the actual day but it seemed to mimic the sadness of it as well. It was as if all of creation cried with us.


Speak Peace


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